
Membership information

Nasketucket Bird Club membership is open to anyone interested in birds at any level of knowledge. Our membership year runs from September 1 through August 31. New members may join at anytime. 

By becoming a member, you support the activities of the club, receive news on upcoming bird walks and programs, and help to protect birds and their habitats through efforts led by club members. Members also receive a complimentary NBC decal. 

Membership levels

Student: Free

Individual: $15

Family: $25

Supporter: $35 (Helps support annual expenses)

Sustainer: $50 (Helps support conservation efforts, scholarships for trip fees, and purchase of extra binoculars)

To join or renew

Pay by mail. Please email for information to pay by mail.

Pay in person. Checks or cash can be given to trip leaders at a bird walk.

Pay online with PayPal.